Bus Registration for the 2024 – 2025 school year
● You MUST register for Bus Transportation EVERY YEAR regardless if you are a Returning student or New to Pike Road
● You can sign-up for Bus Transportation by Here
● If you have questions regarding Bus Transportation Services for the 2024 – 2025 School Year, please contact the Transportation Department at transportation@pikeroadschools.org
Transportation Department

Committed to Safety
Pike Road Schools is proud to provide a quality transportation program to the 2,700 plus students we serve. The school day starts on the school bus and all employees understand the importance of providing safe, reliable, on-time transportation. This webpage contains information designed to help parents who may have questions or need to get their child registered for bus. Contact information is also provided below and we are ready to assist you with any questions you may have.
It would be ideal to be able to accommodate all requests regarding door services, changes to bus stop locations, and pick-up times; however, it is simply impossible and unsafe to do so. The State of Alabama and Pike Road City Schools practice the policies/procedures for the National Center for Safe Routes to School and the Pedestrian and bicycle information Center. In addition, we strive to follow guidelines and procedures set forth by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
Please review the Patriot Code of Conduct in order to ensure the safety of all students who are transported. Safety is our primary concern. Please ensure you and your child become familiar with and understand the rules, discipline policy, and bus stop procedures in which Pike Road City Schools exercises. Your cooperation as a student and parent is greatly appreciated.
Our drivers are equipped with two-way radios for communication with the transportation shop crew and one another. Bus routes are planned, to the extent possible, to avoid students having to cross a road, but it is of utmost importance that all drivers be aware of sharing roadways with school buses. Awareness is extremely important when school buses are picking up and dropping off students. Passing a school bus with its stop sign out and red lights flashing is an offense that can cost you $300 and 1-2 days in court. When you see a bus with flashing amber lights, make preparations to stop. Remain stopped until the bus driver turns off the flashing lights and pulls the bus stop sign in. All traffic must stop when a bus is stopped, regardless of the direction of travel, unless there is a grass median or concrete barrier between your lane of traffic and the lane the bus is traveling in.
Alabama law forbids drivers from passing a stopped school - or church - bus when the alternately flashing red lights are activated, in almost every case. Drivers must remain stopped until the bus resumes motion.

Stop before reaching a stopped school bus with an active visual signal. Do not proceed until the bus resumes motion or visual signals are no longer actuated.
Two-Lane Roadway
When a school bus stops for passengers, ALL traffic from both directions must stop.

Divided Highway of Four Lanes or More with a Media Separation
When a school bus stops for passengers, only traffic following the school bus must stop.

Two-Lane Roadway with a Center Turning Lane
When a school bus stops for passengers, ALL traffic from both directions must stop.

Four-Lane Roadway Without a Median Separation
When a school bus stops for passengers, ALL traffic from both directions must stop.

(a) A person commits the crime of trespass on a school bus in the first degree if he or she is found guilty of doing any of the following:
(1) Intentionally demolishing, destroying, defacing, injuring, burning, or damaging any public school bus.
(2) Entering a public school bus while the door is open to load or unload students without a lawful purpose, while at a railroad grade crossing, or after being forbidden from doing so by the authorized school bus driver in charge of the bus, or upon demand of a principal of a school to which the bus is assigned or other duly authorized school system official.
(3) As an occupant of a public school bus, refusing to leave the bus on demand of the authorized school bus driver in charge of the bus, or upon demand of a principal of a school to which the bus is assigned or other duly authorized school system official.
(4) Intentionally stopping, impeding, delaying, or detaining any public school bus being operated for public school purposes with the intent to commit a crime therein.
(c) The crime of trespass on a school bus in the first degree is a Class A misdemeanor.
(d) Subdivisions (2), (3), and (4) of subsection (b) do not apply to a child who is less than 12 years of age or to authorized school personnel who are boarding the school bus as a part of their job assignment.
(Act 2013-347, p. 1245, §§1, 2.)